Adopted by the Board of Directors
Virginia Village Condominium Association
April 23, 1991
Revised and updated + July 2000
The following Rule and Architectural Guidelines were developed by the Virginia Village Task Force to update and help homeowners and residents recognize and understand the provisions of the association's Bylaws which were recorded 10/18/77 in the Court Clerk's Office, City of Virginia Beach, in Book 1721, pages 407 through 447. These guidelines were adopted for distribution by the Board of Directors at their meeting on April 23, 1991.
The Rules and Architectural Guidelines are especially intended to support pages 430 through 436, which address the need for proper maintenance of all units by individual owners, the need for proper maintenance of all common areas by the Association (through it's elected Board of Directors), and restrictions on the use of units and common areas including the parking of vehicles on the premises.
Section 7 on page 432, specifies that no owner may make structural additions, alteration, or improvement in or to his unit without the prior written approval of the Board of Directs.
This provision includes fences, which cannot be
painted, altered, or erected without the prior Written approval of the Board of Directors.
Unfortunately, in the years since Virginia Village began, there have been a number of violations of these Bylaws.
These Rules and Architectural Guidelines, then, are intended primarily to provide an orderly phasing out of unauthorized, unapproved structures and fences that have led to the gradual decline in property values at Virginia Village.
With distribution of these Guidelines, owners and residents are being reminded that:
Virginia Village Condominium Association
Rules and Architectural Guidelines
ANTENNAS: Antennas, satellite dishes, and similar devices, if installed incorrectly, could have an adverse effect on the appearance of the community. Therefore, consent must be obtained prior to the installation of any such devices. Requests must show the specific placement of the proposed device
AWNINGS AND TRELLISES. must be compatible with the unit's style and color, and must be consistent with the visual scale of the unit. Awnings and trellises must be placed so as not to adversely affect any neighbors enjoyment of his own property. Any awning removed for winter storage must have the pipe frames removed also.
BOATS, TRAILERS, 7 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES; Due to space limitations, the Board of Directors has banned the storage of recreational vehicles of any kind within the confines of Virginia Village. Only those boats registered with the Association as of 16 November 1999 are permitted to be located within the Association. When those specific boats are removed by the owner, they may not be replaced, and that homeowner's authority to store a boat will be rescinded. Additionally, should any of the boats grandfather for storage fail to maintain all licensing and inspection requirements of the State of Virginia or the City of Virginia Beach, the authority for storage will be revoked.
BUSINESSES: Each unit shall be used as a Single Family Residence only, in accordance with Virginia Beach
zoning ordinances and the official documents of the Condominium. A unit may be used as a professional office upon the written consent of the Board of Directors, provided that such use is consistent with all laws and zoning ordinances. Such activity may not include the employment on premises of any person outside the household, and it may not interfere with the quiet or comfort of any other owner or resident.
Exception: Child care facilities, licensed by state or local governments, are permitted so long as all the conditions of the license are met. Children under the care of such facilities shall be under constant supervision of the provider of these services, and will not interfere with the quiet enjoyment of their homes by other unit owners and residents.
CHILDREN'S TOYS: Such items as tricycles, big wheels, wagons, and battery operated toys may be ridden by
children within Virginia Village courts only, and under adult supervision. These items may not be operated on the main thoroughfare of the Community (Admiral Dewey Road due to the serious danger posed to both children and vehicles. These restrictions also apply to remote/radio controlled vehicles.
CLOTHESLINES: Clotheslines may not be placed on the common areas. They must be installed within the property lines of the unit in a manner that will not detract from the overall appearance of the unit.
DECKS AND PATIOS: Written consent of the Board of Directors, plus a building permit issued by the City of Virginia Beach, is required before and such construction is begun. Decks and patios must be made of natural materials and allowed to weather, or be painted to match either the unit or the storage shed, and must be within the property lines of the unit
DOG HOUSES AND DOG RUNS. must be located within the property lines and shall be of a color matching either the unit or the storage shed. Pet owners shall be responsible for proper and sanitary disposal of pet wastes, which must be confined within the unit property lines. Pets are to be under the control of their owners at all times, and must not be permitted to run unleashed on common areas. Virginia Beach, leash laws apply, for both cats and dogs, and may be enforced by the City's Animal Control Division. The animal's owner or caretaker must properly remove any solid wastes deposited on common areas.
DIRT BIKES, GO-CARTS, AND MINI BIKES are not permitted within Virginia Village. The operation of these vehicles on common property, including driveways, courts, or the berg separating Virginia Village and General Booth Boulevard is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
FENCES: Written permission of the Board of Directors is required for the installation of any fence. The only
acceptable materials are wood, (privacy, picket, or split rail) or chain link. The new Vinyl fences that are beginning to appear in home improvement centers are also permitted, when installed properly. No other metal, including barged wire, chickenwire, etc. is acceptable. Wood fences may be left natural, white, or painted or stained to match the color schemes of the Unit or storage shed. All fences must be kept in good repair at all time. Fences in front yards must not exceed four (4) feet in height, all others may be no higher that six (6) feet. No fence may encroach upon any other unit's boundary, or upon any portion of the common areas.
GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, AND SHUTTERS: All unit exteriors, including gutters, downspouts, and shutters,
must be kept in good repair at all times. Shutters must conform to those that were originally installed on the unit.
LANDSCAPING.: It is the homeowner's responsibility to keep all shrubs, trees, and grass neatly trimmed, properly cultivated, and free from all trash, weeds, and other unsightly materials. Vegetables may be planted in side or rear portions of the lot, but must not be allowed to detract from the unit's appearance.
LIGHTING: Floodlights and other exterior lighting should be carefully aimed so that they will illuminate only a specific area (i.e. doorways, walkway, and parking areas in front of the unit only.) Care must be taken to prevent unwanted or excessive intrusion of light from one property to another.
Holiday lighting shall not be operative prior to Thanksgiving or after January 7th. All holiday lighting and decorations are to be removed prior to January 22nd.
NOISE: No unit owner shall make or permit loud noise- -including the use of musical instruments, radios, stereos, etc.---to disturb the peace and quiet of any other resident at any hour of the day or night.
PAINTING: Exteriors of all units and outbuildings must be kept in good repair, including painting at regular
intervals or as needed. Colors permitted on building should conform to those originally furnished or in keeping with the adopted list of acceptable building colors. If unit owner desires to change current colors, a sample must be provided to the Board of Directors with an Architectural Variance request.
PARKING: Each unit is afforded two (2) parking spaces. There shall be no parking of motorized vehicles in patios, walkways, or yards. All improperly license or tagged vehicles, and those that are inoperable, are subject to towing away at owners expense. Each unit is entitled up to two (2) permanent parking permits, and two (2) visitors parking passes. Any vehicle parked within the confines of Virginia Village not displaying an authorized parking permit is subject to removal at owner's expense. Vehicles may not be parked at court entrances at any time, nor shall any vehicle in excess of one (1) ton payload be parked within the confines of Virginia Village.
RENTING/LEASING OF UNITS: No unit may be rented for a period of less than three months. Copies of rental agreements must be provided to Management. It shall be the responsibility of the unit owner to ensure that tenants are apprised of all rules and regulations and comply with the same.
SHEDS: Storage sheds require prior approval for construction. The Board of Directors has issued a blanket approval for storage sheds not to exceed 100 square feet in area or 10 feet in height. The Board of Directors may, upon request, issue variances for larger sheds if the lot size is such that construction of said shed would not overpower the property, or that of a neighbor. Some lots will not support a larger shed, and the Board of Directors will exercise discretion when authorizing the construction of a storage shed in excess of 100 square feet. Sheds must be located behind the units rear foundation lines, unless the lot dimensions or shape prohibit this. The Board of Directors may issue variances for location based on lot size or shape.
In no case may any shed encroach over property lines or onto common areas. Storage sheds must be kept in good condition. Shed shall be painted or stained so as to blend with the surroundings and/or the unit.
SIGNS: Residents signs posted at the mail boxes shall not exceed 3 x 5 inches, must be dated, and posted for a
maximum of one (1) week. This restriction does not apply signs displayed by management for notification of the general populace concerning Association Business.
Real estate "for sale" or "for rent" signs must be confined to the unit's boundaries. These should be mounted on freestanding holders, and may not be attached to house, storage shed, fence, or other structure.
They must be professionally manufactured, and may not exceed 12" x 18" in size.
SOLAR COLLECTORS: Any solar panels should have a minimal visual effect on the neighborhood. They must lie
flat on the unit's roof. Requests to install solar collectors shall be approved by the Board of Directors prior to installation
Proposed statures, fountains or ornaments such as
weathervanes, bird bathes, window boxes, etc., should blend with the style of the unit and not detract from any neighbors view.
Written permission from the Board of Directors to erect a
swimming pool (3 feet or more in depth) or a hot tub or spa is required prior to assembly of these items.
These items are to be located entirely within the units property line and must be enclosed by a fence high enough to keep unattended children from entering. A User's fee of $50.00 must be paid for the initial fill-up. Because the Association pays the water and sewer bills for all residents, restraint must be exercised in emptying and refilling of pools, hot tubs, and spas. When emptying such facilities, the owner must run a hose to the nearest storm drain in order to avoid flooding surrounding areas. (exception: children wading pools.) Excessive (more than once a summer season) emptying and refilling of swimming pools may subject the owner to special "use fees" in the form of fines. Proper use of chemicals should make excessive refilling of pools completely unnecessary.
SWINGSETS, AND OTHER PLAY EQUIPMENT: All play equipment must be located within the unit property lines, and must be maintained and painted when necessary. Such equipment must not represent a safety hazard to anyone at Virginia Village.
TRASH STORAGE AND COLLECTION: Trash must be stored in covered containers that are kept behind, not
beside or in front of, units except on collection day. They should be set out for collection no earlier than the evening before scheduled pickup, and are to be restored within 24 hours of pickup. No hazardous materials, paint, or used motor oil may be placed in containers at any time; these should be taken to proper recycling and dumping centers.
All yards must be kept free of litter, debris, discarded household appliances, furnishings, or other such items at all times.
WOODPILES; Woodpiles are to be located behind the units rear foundation. There is to be no storage of wood beside or in front of any unit. Upon delivery, wood is to be immediately moved to the rear of the lot.
VEHICULAR REPAIRS: The following vehicular repairs are strictly prohibited, and shall not be conducted
within the confines of the community: (1) pulling of engines, (2) dropping of transmissions, (3) any repairs that cannot be completed on the same day they are started; and (4) any repairs that require parts to be left off the vehicle overnight.
Repairs of a minor nature are permitted in parking areas only, and include tune-ups, tire changes, oil changes, and parts replacement. A thorough clean up is the responsibility of the individual performing such maintenance, and should be completed immediately after the work is completed. Engine washing is strictly prohibited. Damages to pavement, parking areas, or property of others resulting from failure to clean up will subject the offending party to repair and cleanup costs and possible fines.
The dumping of oil or other hazardous materials in storm drains is strictly prohibited, and is in violation of state and federal laws
These guideline are intended to help residents of Virginia Village keep their property values up while providing a pleasant environment for all.
For the most part, items contained herein are not new. They restate and reinforce rules and regulations laid down by the original planners of Virginia Village in the official documents you received when you purchased your home, under the requirements of the Virginia Condominium Act.
These guidelines are not intended to be all encompassing. Should there be some alteration you wish to make to your unit or your lot which you do not find described herein, you should contact Management for an explanation of the proper procedure to follow in getting the required permission of the Board of Directors.
Remember: You should make no alteration to your house, shed, or lot---including fences---without the written permission of the Board of Directors.
Adopted by the Board of Directors, July 27, 1993
Homeowner shall have 30 days to make necessary correction of discrepancy, or to request extension from the Board. Thereafter, fine of $10.00 per day may be levied until corrective action has been taken.
(3) Unauthorized usage of water in violation for restrictions imposed by the City of Virginia Beach: $25.00 per
(4) Any violation of the Architectural Guidelines or bylaws of the Condominium Association not specifically addressed: $10.00 per occurrence.
All penalties imposed upon an address will be imposed on the Unit owner thereof. It shall be the responsibility of each unit owner to ensure that residents of his/her unit comply with all Rules and Regulations outlined in the Bylaws and Architectural Guidelines of Virginia Village Condominium
Virginia Village VB
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